GoTriangle to host annual Golden Modes Awards event tomorrow morning
Triangle-area commuters who have reduced greenhouse gases through their travel choices will be recognized by GoTriangle Regional Transit during their annual “Golden Modes” Awards Program, Friday, November 8, 10 a.m., at North Carolina State University’s McKimmon Center, 1101 Gorman Street, in Raleigh.
Wake Forest Mayor and GoTriangle Board of Trustees Member Vivian Jones will be the keynote speaker.
“The Golden Modes is our opportunity to celebrate Triangle employers, organizations, and commuters who use sustainable travel options in their daily lives and who promote it in their company cultures,” said GoTriangle Sustainable Travel Services Manager Kim Johnson. “We’re excited to honor all of our nominees.”
With funding from the N.C. Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the N.C. Department of Transportation, GoTriangle partners with other service providers to offer Sustainable Travel Services. They include consulting to develop employer commuting programs, commuter solutions to employees and students, carpool-and-vanpool-matching services, and a free Emergency Ride Home from work.