Are you ready to change up your commute? Share the Ride NC (STRNC) is a statewide website that was created to help form carpools and vanpools. Not only does it help match you with other commuters near your route, it also houses Emergency Ride Home and the GoPerks incentive program.
Download the STRNC App

Why not join in the effort to go green and switch to an eco-friendlier commute! Learn how you can commute smarter and earn GoPerks rewards along the way.

Ready to find a commute partner quickly and securely in North Carolina? Visit or hop over to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to get our STRNC app.

Your carpool commute partner could be closer than you think.

A tutorial on commute trip tracking using the Share the Ride NC (STRNC) Commute Calendar.

The Share the Ride NC’s (STRNC) One-time Trip matching tool is used to find partners to share a ride. Perfect for when you are heading to a concert, sporting event or out-of-town for winter or spring break. You and your carpool partners benefit by sharing the cost of gas, parking, and improving air quality by reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.