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Have your say on Wake County’s FY2024 recommended transit investments!

The public is invited to comment on the Recommended FY2024 Wake Transit Work Plan

DURHAM, NC (May 18, 2023) What is planned for transit investments in Wake County in the fiscal year that runs from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024? The public is encouraged to find out and weigh in by viewing the FY2024 Recommended Wake Transit Work Plan during a May 18-June 1 public engagement period.

Hearing from the community is critical to building a connected transit network and expanding opportunities for all who live in Wake County and the Triangle region as the area’s population grows rapidly. The first round of public engagement from Feb. 20 through March 22 this year helped shape the recommended plan. Now, those recommendations are open for a second public review so that community input can help inform the final plan.

Some changes incorporated in the recommended plan for FY2024 include:

  • Three new projects for the Town of Apex (Saunders Street and Hinton Street pedestrian improvements, GoApex Route 1 bus stop enhancements and a future transit prioritization study)
  • A new project of pedestrian improvements for the Knightdale Boulevard Corridor
  • Funding for GoWake Access’s  Northeast Microtransit Service
  • Improvements to Route 305 (Holly Springs-Apex-Raleigh to realign service for bidirectional travel on Main Street in Holly Springs during peak hours, with 60-minute all-day service to Apex)

A public hearing is scheduled for June 21, prior to the Recommended FY2024 Wake Transit Work Plan being considered for adoption by the Wake Transit governing boards. Once approved by the CAMPO Executive Board and the GoTriangle Board of Trustees, the adopted FY2024 Wake Transit Work Plan will cover the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024.

Learn more about the Recommended FY2024 Wake Transit Work Plan, take a brief survey and submit comments here.

Note to members of the news media: For interviews and additional information, please contact GoTriangle Chief Communications Officer Eric Curry, or 919-632-9326.