
Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Affordable housing and light-rail transit ‘go hand in hand,’ Durham vote shows

The Durham County commissioners have voted unanimously to use two county-owned lots on East Main Street near the planned Dillard Street light-rail stop in Durham as sites for development that includes both affordable and market-rate apartments.

The intention is to build approximately 437 residential units and to make 277 of them affordable to households earning 30 to 80 percent of the area median income. The plans for the two properties also include nearly 35,000 square feet of commercial space and up to 1,900 parking spaces.

Let GoTriangle help you put your mettle to the pedal during Bike Month

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (May 8, 2018) - A deep concern for the environment fueled Matthew Cushing’s decision to start using a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation six years ago, but it’s another kind of green he references most when promoting the benefits of biking to others.

“The thing a lot of people respond to is that it’s a cheaper way of getting around,” says Cushing, Transportation Demand Management outreach coordinator for Duke University. “Even people who are not green-minded can appreciate a more cost effective way to get to work.”

Let GoTriangle help you put your mettle to the pedal during Bike Month

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (May 8, 2018) - A deep concern for the environment fueled Matthew Cushing’s decision to start using a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation six years ago, but it’s another kind of green he references most when promoting the benefits of biking to others.

“The thing a lot of people respond to is that it’s a cheaper way of getting around,” says Cushing, Transportation Demand Management outreach coordinator for Duke University. “Even people who are not green-minded can appreciate a more cost effective way to get to work.”

Let GoTriangle help you put your mettle to the pedal during Bike Month

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (May 8, 2018) - A deep concern for the environment fueled Matthew Cushing’s decision to start using a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation six years ago, but it’s another kind of green he references most when promoting the benefits of biking to others.

“The thing a lot of people respond to is that it’s a cheaper way of getting around,” says Cushing, Transportation Demand Management outreach coordinator for Duke University. “Even people who are not green-minded can appreciate a more cost effective way to get to work.”