
Let GoTriangle help you put your mettle to the pedal during Bike Month

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (May 8, 2018) - A deep concern for the environment fueled Matthew Cushing’s decision to start using a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation six years ago, but it’s another kind of green he references most when promoting the benefits of biking to others.

“The thing a lot of people respond to is that it’s a cheaper way of getting around,” says Cushing, Transportation Demand Management outreach coordinator for Duke University. “Even people who are not green-minded can appreciate a more cost effective way to get to work.”

Let GoTriangle help you put your mettle to the pedal during Bike Month

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (May 8, 2018) - A deep concern for the environment fueled Matthew Cushing’s decision to start using a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation six years ago, but it’s another kind of green he references most when promoting the benefits of biking to others.

“The thing a lot of people respond to is that it’s a cheaper way of getting around,” says Cushing, Transportation Demand Management outreach coordinator for Duke University. “Even people who are not green-minded can appreciate a more cost effective way to get to work.”

Let GoTriangle help you put your mettle to the pedal during Bike Month

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (May 8, 2018) - A deep concern for the environment fueled Matthew Cushing’s decision to start using a bicycle as his primary mode of transportation six years ago, but it’s another kind of green he references most when promoting the benefits of biking to others.

“The thing a lot of people respond to is that it’s a cheaper way of getting around,” says Cushing, Transportation Demand Management outreach coordinator for Duke University. “Even people who are not green-minded can appreciate a more cost effective way to get to work.”

Transit Advisory Committee takes shape with GoTriangle board’s approval of 28 members

Research Triangle Park, NC (March 29, 2018) – GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.

Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.

Transit Advisory Committee takes shape with GoTriangle board’s approval of 28 members

Research Triangle Park, NC (March 29, 2018) – GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.

Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.

Transit Advisory Committee takes shape with GoTriangle board’s approval of 28 members

Research Triangle Park, NC (March 29, 2018) – GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.

Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.

Transit Advisory Committee takes shape with GoTriangle board’s approval of 28 members

Research Triangle Park, NC (March 29, 2018) – GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.

Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.

Transit Advisory Committee takes shape with GoTriangle board’s approval of 28 members

Research Triangle Park, NC (March 29, 2018) – GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.

Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.

Transit Advisory Committee takes shape with GoTriangle board’s approval of 28 members

Research Triangle Park, NC (March 29, 2018) – GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.

Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.