Eubanks Park-and-Ride Application

Email Address linked to UMO account
Home Address
Employer/Company Address


  1. The parker has an UMO account with an active pass or stored value.
  2. The permit will be valid for 1 calendar year from the date of issuance
  3. Parking is only valid for the above named parker, and your vehicle(s) listed.
  4. There will be a $25.00 charge for replacement of lost permits.
  5. Overnight parking is prohibited. 
  6. Spaces are not reserved or guaranteed. Although we don’t anticipate an issue at Eubanks, all lots are first come, first serve.

By checking accept, I agree to all terms set forth in the above contract.

Town of Chapel Hill and GoTriangle assume no liability for fire, theft or damage in any case, except through our own negligence. All damage claims must be presented before vehicle is removed from facility. Vehicles should be locked at all times and valuables should not be left in vehicle.

Parker agrees to abide by any and all regulations pertaining to the use of the facility as may be prescribed by Town of Chapel Hil and further agrees to parking of vehicles in areas within the facility designated by Town of Chapel Hil(unless reserved signage is issued).

This agreement becomes effective on the date of receipt by GoTriangle and may be cancelled by either party according to above conditions.

By checking accept, I agree to all terms set forth in the above contract.