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Q. What is Bus On Shoulder System (BOSS)?
A. BOSS (Bus on Shoulder System) allows trained drivers to, at their discretion, operate authorized GoTriangle buses at low speeds on the shoulders of designated sections of some freeways during periods of heavy congestion. Thus bypassing traffic and helping to maintain schedules.
Q. Where will the Bus On Shoulder System (BOSS) take place?
A. Heading eastbound, BOSS runs along a segment of I-40 from US 15-501 (Exit 270) to Exit 289, along Wade Avenue to the interchange with Blue Ridge Road. Westbound, BOSS runs from the Wade Avenue interchange at Blue Ridge Road, on to I-40 and the interchange with US 15-501.
Q. When will buses be able to travel on the shoulder?
A. GoTriangle buses are permitted to use BOSS when traffic in the main travel lanes is moving slower than 35 mph. Authorized GoTriangle buses are allowed to travel, at the discretion of the driver, on the freeway shoulder at speeds up to 35 mph, as long the bus stays within 15 mph of traffic speeds in the main travel lanes. This means that buses can travel up to 35 mph as long as speeds in the main lanes are between 20 and 35 mph. There are no restrictions on when drivers can choose, at their discretion, to use BOSS as long as the requirements above are met. As always, everyone's safety is our concern in these situations. Therefore, use of BOSS will always be up to the discretion of the driver.
Thank you for choosing GoTriangle!