Research Triangle Park, NC (September 15, 2015) – The Federal Transit Administration has awarded GoTriangle a $1.7 million dollar grant to support transit-oriented development planning.
“The Federal Transit Administration recognizes that communities that plan carefully for growth around high-quality, high-capacity transit realize significantly more benefits when the transit line opens,” said Jeff Mann, General Manager for GoTriangle. “In planning for the proposed Durham-Orange Light Rail Project, GoTriangle, the City of Durham, and Town of Chapel Hill worked together to identify a series of planning activities and studies that need to be done to maximize the region’s ability to take advantage of the 17-mile rail line being built.” The funds from the grant will be used to accelerate that work under the supervision of GoTriangle and Durham/Chapel Hill planning staff.
"I am pleased that the Federal Transit Administration has awarded GoTriangle such a substantial grant for transit-oriented development planning," said Fourth District Congressman David Price. "The Durham-Orange Light Rail project is a key component of the Triangle's transportation future, and this grant will help support our community's efforts to not only grow, but grow smarter."
The FTA awarded 21 grants in total. GoTriangle received the second-largest grant nationwide after Seattle, which received $2 million.
What kind of work will the grant fund?
While the exact work plan has yet to be finalized, primary activities will likely include:
- Affordable Housing in station area policy work and implementation strategies
- Community education events about transit-oriented development
- Economic analysis of station area development potential by each individual station site
- Creating appropriate station area development regulations and policies
- Defining station area infrastructure networks, including sidewalks, bike infrastructure, water/sewer and identifying gaps and improvements to complement rail stations
- Identifying opportunities for transit/development partnerships at appropriate station sites
- Ongoing tracking of progress in developing tools to support transit-oriented development near Durham-Orange Light Rail Project stations
When will the work begin?
- With the D-O LRT project currently in the public involvement phase, GoTriangle and local government partners will likely begin this work in the first half of 2016. GoTriangle, City of Durham, and Town of Chapel Hill staff will work together for the remainder of 2015 to refine the final work plan.
What does this mean for the Durham-Orange Light Rail Project?
- FTA’s recognition of the D-O LRT project with this grant is a strong signal to the region that the Federal Government is taking a significant interest in this project, and is putting its own money on the table for planning work that should help to ensure the line’s future success. -End- Brad Schulz Communications Officer GoTriangle | GoDurham P.O. Box 13787 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 P: 919-485-7434 Office Location: 4600 Emperor Blvd, Suite 100, Durham, NC 27703