The commute is tough and getting tougher. But, soon the Triangle will celebrate commuters and organizations committed to finding better ways to get around the region.
The Golden Modes Award program, at 2:30 P.M. on Thursday, November 12th at the PNC Conference Center at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park, will honor those working to improve our environment by reducing traffic, lowering commute costs and impacts to residents.
“Every day, traffic congestion drains employees of energy while boosting the costs of the commute,” said Michelle Parker with GoSmart. “Thanks to the programs we have, individuals across the Triangle decide not to drive alone to work or class. These changes in daily commuting habits can help balance personal budgets, improve regional air quality and help make the daily commute more productive.”
The Awards are being held in conjunction with the Governor’s Proclamation honoring Commuter Awareness and Recognition Week, honoring individual employees who are dedicated to choosing smarter commute options. Among those recognized will also be employers for the best commuter programming:
- Durham VA Medical Center
- American Tobacco Campus
- NC State Employees Credit Union
- Duke University
- Bob Barker Company, Inc.
- Businesses named by the national Best Workplaces for Commuters program
Organizations and volunteers will be honored that have had major impacts on the travel services, amenities and opportunities for us to have sustainable commute options across the Triangle including:
- The East Coast Greenway Alliance
- Alan Wiggs, former chair of the Raleigh Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission
- The Carrboro Bicycle Coalition
GoSmart is composed of multiple transit agencies across the Triangle and outreach services provided in “Hot Spot” territories in Durham County, Downtown Raleigh, the Town of Chapel Hill, Wake County, Research Triangle Park, as well as Duke University, North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Wake Tech Community College. Each one offers unique services to different locations within the Triangle region.
In Fiscal Year 2014, GoSmart directly assisted almost 24,000 travelers in finding a smart commute option other than driving alone. According to the annual report prepared by a Washington, DC consulting firm, that correlates to 51.1 million fewer miles driven on Triangle roadways and lessening wear and tear on our freeways and personal vehicles each day.
For more information, contact Brad Schulz, Communications Officer at GoTriangle, 919-485-7434 or