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Learn how to make teleworking a permanent part of the work experience

JULY 22, 2021 --  Now that so many workers and businesses have discovered the benefits of working from home because the pandemic required it, many companies are trying to figure out how to continue to offer teleworking options as they plan to bring employees back to the office.

With so many configurations available for hybrid workplace models, the task of shaping a policy and its supporting procedures can seem daunting. GoTriangle is here to help.

Join us at 2 p.m. July 29 for our next Mission Impossible on Hybrid Workplace Policy Development.  Find more information and RSVP here.

GoTriangle Chief of Staff Sharon Chavis will discuss strategies for moving an organization from what was a temporary pandemic solution to a forward-looking policy that meets the needs of the organization and employees. Chavis is leading GoTriangle’s return to office policy and procedures.

A simple mandate of who, what, when, where and why may not be enough to maintain positive engagement with all employees. Though many workers will be excited about their company’s developing policies and procedures to continue teleworking options and to create a hybrid workplace, some may be uncomfortable with change.

The webinar will offer conversation starters to get companies on their way to figuring out how to craft successful telework policies in a hybrid work environment.

In addition to her work at GoTriangle, Chavis has been chief of staff and vice president of Administration at Saint Augustine’s University and managed an array of programs as External Civil Rights manager for the NC Department of Transportation for more than 10 years.

Sharon Chavis
Chavis, left, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting from Shaw University and a Master’s of Public Administration from North Carolina Central University.

The Mission Impossible: Hybrid Workplace Policy Development webinar is the sixth in GoTriangle’s web series of 60-minute conversations on hot topics to provide company education and employee support since July 2020. Previous Mission Impossible webinars focused on COVID-19-related topics of cyber security, home office ergonomics, returning to worksites and mental health during a pandemic as many Triangle employees worked from home.

The series is provided through GoTriangle’s Employer Services Transportation Demand Management Department, which offers grant-funded services, programs and materials to extend GoTriangle’s reach by developing telework programs, forming vanpools and carpools and creating bicycle and pedestrian campaigns. TDM partners with the NC Department of Transportation and Triangle area municipalities, universities and public transportation agencies.