Public Information Sessions and Public Hearing Scheduled
Residents are invited to review and comment on the Recommended Wake County Transit Plan at one of several public information sessions and a public hearing held by GoTriangle and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). These meetings are part of a 30-day public comment period for the recommended plan that runs from April 18 through May 18.
CAMPO and Wake County, in cooperation with the Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority (also known as GoTriangle), is considering adopting a recommended transit plan for Wake County.
The plan would connect the region across county lines, connect communities to the transit network, provide frequent, reliable urban mobility to communities and enhance access to transit across Wake County. The investment in transit service would be increased in the first ten years of implementation.
More frequent bus service would cover larger areas and span longer hours, riders would see rapid bus service along major transportation corridors, and commuter rail would link Garner, Raleigh, N.C. State University, Cary, Morrisville, the Research Triangle Park and Durham.
The full plan can be found online at
Four public information sessions will be held at these locations:
- Monday, May 2, from 4-7 P.M. at the Wake County Southern Regional Center, Room 182; 130 N. Judd Parkway NE, Fuquay-Varina
- Thursday, May 5, from 4-7 P.M. at the Apex Community Center, Summit Room; 53 Hunter Street, Apex
- Monday, May 9, from 4-7 P.M. at the Wake County Northern Regional Center, Room 163; 350 E. Holding Avenue, Wake Forest
- Monday, May 16, from 4-7 P.M. at the Wake County Eastern Regional Center, Room 156; 1002 Dogwood Drive, Zebulon
The boards of CAMPO and GoTriangle will then hold a formal public hearing on the recommended plan on:
- Wednesday, May 18, at 5:00 P.M. at the Raleigh Convention Center, Room 402; 500 S. Salisbury Street, Raleigh
The hearing is being held to solicit comments regarding the recommended Wake County Transit Plan, as well as the draft Interlocal Agreement for the plan.
Each speaker will be allowed two (2) minutes to comment. Hearing participants will also have the opportunity to submit comments in writing during the hearing. Comments received verbally and in writing will receive equal weight.
Anyone interested in submitting comments but unable to attend the hearing should send their comments to
GoTriangle and CAMPO will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in the hearings.
Anyone requiring special services should contact Jeffrey Sullivan via email: or by phone (919) 485-7490 as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.
Anyone desiring additional information may contact Jeffrey Sullivan, GoTriangle – Public Involvement and Outreach Associate, GoTriangle, Post Office Box 13787, RTP, NC 27709, by phone (919) 485-7490, or by email:
Aquellas personas con limitaciones para leer, hablar, o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitanantes de la reunión llamando al (919) 461-1342.
The Wake County Transit Plan and draft Interlocal Agreement can be viewed online at
There are several ways to submit comments on recommendations in the Plan or draft Interlocal Agreement:
- By email:
- By postal mail to: Wake County Transit Plan, c/o GoTriangle, P.O. Box 13787 RTP, NC 27709
- By comment card at public hearing and four public information sessions
- In person, verbally, at a joint CAMPO/GoTriangle public hearing
All comments will be gathered and presented to the members of the CAMPO Executive Board and the GoTriangle Board of Trustees.