Triangle Transit General Manager David King announced today that he will retire May 19, 2015 or as soon as his successor begins work.
“We’ve come a long way in eight years with David’s help,” said William V. “Bill” Bell, Chair of the Triangle Transit Board of Trustees. “With his leadership, we have strengthened the role transit plays in the community. He’s also actively worked with the public, elected officials and business leaders on preparation for dealing with the responsibilities of population and development growth in the future.”
During King’s tenure, Triangle Transit has:
- Grown ridership from 865,000 in 2006 to 1.7 million in 2014
- Started project development on the proposed 17-mile Durham-Orange Light Rail Project connecting Chapel Hill and Durham
- Funded expanded transit services in Durham and Orange counties through a one-half cent sales tax
- Expanded to seven day bus service
- Added express bus service in Durham, Orange and Wake counties serving Wake Forest, Wendell, Zebulon and Hillsborough
- Provided bus service during the I-40/440 rebuild project called Fortify
- Helped implement the first bus on shoulder program on I-40 in Durham, Wake and Johnston counties
- Managed the Durham Area Transit Authority for the City of Durham
- Managed the Robertson Scholars bus service between UNC and Duke
- Rebranded transit services in the Triangle
- Introduced the nation’s first regional transit trip planner
- Introduced the nation’s first regional app to show passengers when their bus will arrive
- Worked with Wake County, the City of Raleigh, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and others on a process to update and improve the Wake County Transit Investment Plan
Before joining Triangle Transit in 2006, King worked for 33 years at the N.C. Department of Transportation, most recently as its Deputy Secretary, responsible for the department’s five multimodal divisions, including the Public Transportation Division and the Rail Division.
The Board of Trustees will form a search committee to begin finding a replacement for King.
Triangle Transit improves the region’s quality of life by connecting people and places with reliable, safe, and easy-to-use travel choices that reduce congestion and energy use, save money, and promote sustainability, healthier lifestyles, and a more environmentally responsible community.
For more information, please contact Brad Schulz at 919.485.7434 or