Orange Public Transportation (OPT) will implement a significant change to the existing Hill-to-Hill midday shuttle, beginning on Monday, August 17.
The expanded route will serve most of the same locations as the existing OPT-operated Hill-to-Hill shuttle with the addition of a new stop at the Cedar Grove Community Center. Only one stop location will be removed from the schedule (UNC Health Sciences building).
The service will be free for all users from Monday, August 17 – Monday, August 31. OPT will resume collection of fares on September 1.
Service times will be expanded to provide hourly service at all schedule-indicated stop locations in both the northbound and southbound directions, roughly between the hours of 9:45 a.m. and 3:45 p.m., Monday - Friday. As a result, some service times at stop locations will change.
An updated schedule and map of stop locations for the Orange – Chapel Hill Midday Connector service are available: here.
An updated map and schedule will be available on any OPT vehicle, at the administrative offices of OPT located at 600 Highway 86N in Hillsborough, or at the administrative offices of the Orange County Planning and Inspections Department located at 131 W. Margaret Lane, Suite 201 in Hillsborough.
For more information or to access an updated schedule and map of stop locations, please contact Bret Martin at 919.245.2582 or send an email to
About the Orange-Chapel Hill Midday Connector
The Orange-Chapel Hill Midday Connector is a major service expansion approved/adopted by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners in October 2014, as part of the County’s Five-Year Bus Service Expansion Program. The service expansion is funded using the half-cent public transit sales tax approved by Orange County voters in 2012 and implemented in 2013.