GoTriangle is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from experienced and qualified multidisciplinary firms to provide General Engineering Consultant Services for the Bus Operations and Maintenance Facility (BOMF) Modernization and Expansion Project.  GoTriangle will use a three-phase procurement process to select a General Engineering Consultant (GEC) to deliver technical and professional services for the design of the BOMF Project. Phase I will be a prequalification process with a goal to shortlist a minimum of three consultants. Phase II will be presentations by and interviews with each of the short-listed firms to permit Selection Committee members to further evaluate each firm's qualifications. Phase III will be contract and fee negotiations starting with the firm ranked highest by the Selection Committee. In the event negotiations prove unsuccessful with the highest-rated firm, negotiations will continue with the next highest rated firm and so on until agreement is reached or until GoTriangle determines that agreement will not be reached with any of the shortlisted firms.  

NOTE:  Please ensure that ALL four documents are downloaded.  They are as follows:  RFQ, Addendum 01- Exhibits A-G, Addendum 02 Exhibits H-J, and Addendum 03 SF330 - Architect-Engineering Qualifications.

Download Document


Addendum 01 | Exhibit A

Addendum 02 | Exhibit B

Addendum 03 | Exhibit C

Addendum 04 | Exhibit D

Addendum 05 | Exhibit E

Addendum 06 | Exhibit F

Addendum 07 | Exhibit G

Addendum 08 | Exhibit H

Addendum 09 | Exhibits I

Addendum 10 | Exhibits J

Addendum 11 | SF330-Architect-Engineering Qualifications

Addendum 12 Prebid Minutes

Amendment 01 Reconfigured Files

Amendment 02 Revised Request for Qualifications Document

Notice of Intent to Award